What is a pharmaceutical error

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


As a result of the emergence of many pharmaceutical errors due to the unprecedented demand for the purchase of pharmaceuticals on a daily and continuous basis and from all segments of society and its classes, there have appeared many pharmaceutical errors that the pharmacist falls into, which resulted in the responsibility of compensating these damages to the patient or to his family and heirs, as these errors result due to the pharmacist's negligence or as a result of the great similarity between the types, shapes and packaging of pharmaceutical products during the dispensing of the prescription, and these errors may lead to serious damage up to Death in many cases, so it has This is because the pharmacist may commit a mistake while replacing the drug with another drug other than what the doctor described in the prescription container, due to his lack of availability, and the research dealt with the definition of pharmaceutical errors committed by the pharmacist, whether objective errors related to the delivery of a non-conforming drug or technical errors related to the failure to verify the prescription editor or the name and age of the patient, in addition to addressing some judicial rulings and decisions issued by the Egyptian Court of Cassation and the Jordanian Court of Cassation, and the research dealt with Also the mistakes made by the pharmacist when practicing it. 
