The role of the House of Representatives in directing parliamentary questions ((a comparative study))

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The monitoring report by the Council of Representatives on the proper implementation of the legal rules of the members of the executive branch falls under the principle of the rule of law, which ensures the application of these laws to all, whether rulers or sentenced. This principle allowed the House of Representatives to monitor the implementation of legislation correctly and sound from Before the members of the executive branch, which aims to create a balance between the powers of the legislative authority, the House of Representatives, and the executive power, as long as the constitutional legislator of the executive power to interfere with the functioning of the legislative authority and the composition and selection of its members, Responsibility for these meted out, the Nqzh balance has the right to impose parliamentary control is on the agenda of the Council of Ministers through constitutional means of a planned constitutional text and other legal text.