Legal adaptation of the contract for sheltering websites

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The adaptation of the contract from a legal point of view is important, both on the domestic and international legal scale, in domestic law it helps to know the legal rules that apply to the contract depending on what it is, the rules governing the sales contract, for example, differ from those governing the lease contract. In the light of determining the true description of the contract, the appropriate legal base could be applied and thus the legal consequences for the parties to the contract could be arranged. Hence, we can say that highlighting the issue of legal adaptation of the information accommodation contract, which is no less important than contracts Other things that people trade in their daily lives, such as selling, renting and contracting, prompts us to recognize that the contractual relationship that arises between the (accommodation contractor) and the subscriber is one of the most important legal ties arising from the emergence of the information accommodation contract. A contract is defined as the congruence of two or more wills on the arrangement of legal effects, whether these effects are the creation, transfer, modification or termination of the obligation. 
