The legal system of threatening fine in the administrative field

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


In order to ensure the implementation of administrative court rulings issued against the administration, the French legislator promulgated Law No. 539 of 1980 on 15 July 1980, which was followed by a number of laws, all of which relate to the application of the administrative courts to the system of threatening fines in the administrative field, in order to ensure the implementation of the rulings issued by them against the administration([1]). The imposition of a threatening fine on the French administration under the law of July 16, 1980 is the first step in recognizing the administrative judge with the power to order the administration with Orders to the administration with confirmation of the constitutionality of this act and considering it as one of the requirements for activating the provisions issued by it required by the principle of the subordination of the state to the law, in a manner that does not conflict with the principle of separation of powers. 
