"Shares in the balance of Sharia and law"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Since money has this great place in Islamic law, it is one of its five purposes (religion, soul, mind, offspring, money). Islamic Sharia took it upon itself to regulate these transactions, so it deprived them of what was forbidden and set the controls and provisions for those transactions to benefit those dealing in them by buying and selling, so that goodness prevails and the wheel of development is launched, and since the buying and selling operations It usually takes place in its various forms in the markets, so Islam has been monitoring these markets since the cradle to control their movement and thus promote the Islamic society. Humanity has witnessed a great development on these markets, so new types have emerged represented in the financial markets - in their various forms - whether they are money markets, commodity markets or stock markets. It was imperative for Islamic Sharia scholars and researchers to oppose this aspect of development and shed light on the transactions of those markets because of their clear impact. On the advancement of the national economy - one of the most important of these tools was the stocks, as they contribute to mobilizing savings and pumping them into important investment channels, as well as supporting development projects and then supporting the pillars of economic reform, and whenever that was and stocks had this status, so the researcher proceeded to delve into that tool from an economic, legal and legal point of view. 
