Means of Remote Litigation

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


At first glance, the idiom of “Remote Litigation” my look unfamiliar because it is a recently-born legal idiom used by only a small number out of  the jurisprudents on the Arab and international levels. It is referred to as an e-prosecution that means filing distance suits in the courts. It is considered an example of the human innovation in jurisprudence in the IT revolution and positively affects the entire process of prosecution since such an idiom uses modern technological means through which lawsuits are filed in addition to submitting the other data and evidence desired by t any party of the case. Since such a subject is so neoteric , the resources specialized in distance prosecution will be so rare the fact that requires subjugating the general rules to cope with the world’s latest developments to achieve the ideal performance through investing time by following new advanced procedures before the courts through using e-communication methods that obtain justice among the individuals in short time abandoning the manual paper system applied in the traditional prosecution to be replaced by an e-system  in order to get rid of the unbelievable amount of paper used in the courts and paying the case’s fees electronically.
