Protecting journalists during armed conflicts

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - University of Sharjah


The subject of the protection of journalists during armed conflicts of important topics, especially in recent years deserves to be highlighted because they are exposed to harassment and intentional targeting journalists intended to blur facts and violations of international humanitarian law principles and assign liability.  Recognizing the significant role played by journalists, international humanitarian law has conferred on them as civilians, journalist helps detect violations and contribute to put an end to such violations which became today the phenomenon not unhappy in humanity. Since the protection of journalists during times of peace and during armed conflicts that are subject to the provisions of international humanitarian law through the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907 and the Fourth Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the additional protocols of 1977, this research will focus on the protection of journalists in armed conflicts, in two sections:  the first section deals with the concept of armed conflict and the definition of journalist and second section discusses the Dangers of press coverage in armed conflicts the third section deals with the protection of journalists in armed conflicts in accordance with international conventions. The forth chapters focuses on International liability for violations of protection during armed conflict. 
