"Constitutional and Legal Protection of Civil Society Organizations"

Document Type : Original Article


Member of the Council of the Assiut Bar Association - Law Lecturer at the Assiut Bar Institute


However, civil society organizations are the developmental basis on which governments rely in achieving sustainable development, and they are the basis that society has accepted in promoting democratic construction, implementing oversight and achieving transparency, as every member of society benefits from living in security and stability in order to achieve his aspirations and hopes and implement development in all different sectors. However, the interest in civil society organizations and their participation in development strategies and programs aimed at achieving sustainable development in order to create a competitive field and open new horizons for investment, implementation of public policies and development, so all obstacles and obstacles that cause the exclusion and reluctance of civil society organizations to participate in the process must be eliminated. Developmental . Therefore, the legislator must be interested in developing a legislative strategy and explaining all its dimensions because of its important role in the progress of the nation and the elimination of obstacles facing democracy to achieve development and eliminate corruption.
