The provisions of criminalization and punishment in the law regulating civil work "No. 149 of 2019" "A comparative study in the Egyptian and UAE laws"

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Law Sciences and Criminal Research, Academy of Police Sciences, Sharjah


The philosophy of the law regulating civil work is based on several principles, including: First: partnership with the private sector in achieving sustainable development, and perhaps what is new is that link to the issue of future vision and the role of this sector now and in the future, Second: Strengthening internal democracy and work governance within the private sector and the administrative body together and benefiting from knowledge and information technology data, This indicates a qualitative leap in the practice of civil activity as an original component in the process of sustainable development integrated with the efforts of the government and the private sector, which requires harmony between the three parties through the application of the principles of governance, and the integrity and transparency and the establishment of the foundations of the law, all of which lead to a positive image of cooperation between the aforementioned parties.  Third: The law abolished the penalty of imprisonment with only financial fines in the event of violations, which opens the door to encouraging civil initiatives and the establishment of associations and institutions, as the main objection was how to impose a prison sentence on voluntary work in the first place, which represents a development and progress over other previous laws that regulated civil work. Fourth: The law encouraged the establishment of institutions, NGOs, unions, regional organizations and foreign non-governmental organizations authorized to operate in Egypt and enhance their role in serving the public interest, which calmed the concerns of many of these foreign organizations and opened the door to benefiting from their developmental role.
