Contribution of civil society organizations in combating corruption crimes

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Corruption is a serious phenomenon that has negative effects on the economies of many countries, as it constitutes a crime that threatens social security and undermines the process of development, construction, stability and progress. In view of the seriousness of corruption on the international community, most countries of the world have taken the initiative to unite official and informal international efforts. In cooperation with international organizations and civil society organizations, to resolutely address corruption crimes, leaving the fight against corruption in the hands of state institutions is ineffective, which requires the intervention and assistance of civil society organizations, which researchers emphasize as one of the most important mechanisms to combat corruption, as the presence of civil society organizations has become strong, effective and independent among the indicators that measure the progress and development of countries. It plays a complementary role to the role of the state, whether alone, or in partnership with other countries or intergovernmental organizations, and plays a vital and influential role in activating societal mobility in combating the phenomenon of corruption.
