Crimes of Artificial Intelligence Technologies and the Independent Electronic Legal Personality (Comparative Study).

Document Type : Original Article


Mansoura University Faculty of Law


The research paper aims to shed light on the impact of the use of artificial intelligence on committing crimes, as information technology development has made qualitative leaps and has brought positive changes at the international and regional levels. The successive technological and informational development made man move at a high speed from the era of IT); i.e. the era of information technology in which the criminal commits the crime using the computer, to the era of (DT); That is, the data age, which is through programs and information analyzed in order to commit data crimes, but now we are moving to a new era, which is AI); That is, the era of artificial intelligence, the era of artificial intelligence and robot crimes, so that it is a new criminal phenomenon committed by a criminal through artificial intelligence systems and robots; To what extent can criminal responsibility be applied to these crimes? Is there an impact of artificial intelligence on these crimes? Are these systems used to help countries develop their criminal justice systems and prevent these crimes? Therefore, many countries - especially the developed ones - and the Arab countries, rushed to address this phenomenon; By enacting and enacting laws that prevent the commission of such crimes. As a result, the question arises about the extent of the possibility of criminal responsibility for the actions of artificial intelligence and whether the programmer or producer of artificial intelligence or others bear criminal responsibility for the actions of artificial intelligence, or can artificial intelligence have an independent legal personality as a new type called the electronic legal personality based on which robots and artificial intelligence are borne the responsibility. In this case, the question arises about the quality of the criminal penalty that he imagines expecting and which is compatible with this new legal personality of artificial intelligence. Considering this, this study will be reviewed through two sections, and we will follow the comparative analytical descriptive approach by identifying both artificial intelligence and cyber-crimes, their nature, characteristics, images, and their relationship to artificial intelligence and how to benefit from it. As well as an analysis of the extent of criminal responsibility for the crimes of its uses and its punishment, in the light of a new theory that defines an electronic legal personality similar to the responsibility for the actions of legal persons, in addition to the use of the comparative approach of some advanced countries in developing their legislation. 
