A one-person company in the Saudi system

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Commercial Law


The Saudi regime has adopted the concept of a one-person company as a legitimate business option in recent years. This type of business structure offers enormous potential for entrepreneurs and small business owners, allowing them to operate as a single entity while still enjoying the benefits of a limited company.  The main advantage of a one-person company is that it allows an individual to retain all their profits and take full control of their business. This provides the flexibility to choose the best business strategy, set their own pricing, and set their own risk level. In addition, the company can increase its capital base without having to make additional capital contributions from other shareholders.  The company's one-person structure also allows for more control over the management of the company. A sole shareholder is also able to oversee day-to-day operations, as well as make decisions regarding the direction of the company. This eliminates the need to collaborate with other stakeholders, which can be beneficial for companies that require specialized skills.
