Interpretation and Its Effect on The Rulings

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law – Mansoura University


Interpretation is one of the important investigations in order to clarify some common issues between the science of theology and the science of jurisprudence, which were mentioned in it as a digression; However, the field of natural interpretation is the science of speech, but the scholars of fundamentals included it in their research for a certain occasion, and they often tend, during their discussion of these issues, to the science of speech. There is no doubt that the mention of some verbal issues within the fundamentals investigations is due to the preoccupation of some speakers with the fundamentals of jurisprudence, which is a distinguished method in expanding mental reasoning, and evoking some verbal issues whenever the occasion requires it. Therefore, I mentioned the definition of interpretation linguistically and idiomatically, and that it is: the sentences of a word without its apparent meaning, with its possibility with evidence to support it. It showed the definition of interpretation among scholars of origins, such as Imam Al-Ghazali and Al-Amidi. Then I mentioned the history of interpretation: like the interpretation of the Companions - may God be pleased with them all -, the followers, and the jurists. After that, I explained the characteristics of interpretation among the companions and followers, and mentioned the position of Imam Ibn Hazm regarding interpretation. And I explained the rule of working with the interpreter and its conditions, with examples indicating that, then the interpretation for the benefit, and after that I spoke about the categories of the interpreter and their examples Then I concluded the research with the most important findings - That the science of theology has a prominent impact on the science of jurisprudence, and this is clearly evident through this research. - The interpretation was apparent in the era of the Companions and the Followers, as I have shown - Interpretation is related to meanings without words, and therefore it had a great impact on the science of jurisprudence.
