Legal protection for direct international negotiations through social media platforms

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law -University of Sharjah


Peaceful international negotiations are considered one of the most successful means for resolving conflicts that would disturb international peace and security. After the language of war ruled the world, the international community has settled since the founding of the United Nations in 1945 to protect the security of societies without discrimination, and the international community has developed means of It would limit or prevent the emergence of wars between countries. These means are nothing but peaceful and friendly mechanisms, including international negotiations, which used to take the form of sitting at the table and engaging in conversations to reach results that resolve differences between countries, but with the development of technology and the occurrence of disasters, crises and epidemics, negotiation shifts from Its traditional form led to its entry into the virtual world, and these negotiations became held through social networks spread around the world, so it was necessary to search for means to ensure the protection and confidentiality of these negotiations that are held remotely, and this is what was discussed in the research paper
