Acquisition of companies contract A comparative study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Acquisition contracts in general, and the acquisition contract for companies of both civil and commercial types in particular, are considered within the category of unnamed contracts that were not regulated by the Egyptian legislator in the current Civil Code 131 of 1948 AD, as the acquisition contract is a discrete legal process. Companies acquisition contracts are one of the mechanisms that many commercial companies resort to in order to be able to keep pace with the tremendous development that has occurred in the field of trade. And that the acquisition contract is characterized by being a formal contract, in addition to the fact that the acquisition contract is in the phenomenon of a sale contract and in the subconscious is an acquisition of the management of the acquired company, and therefore it is considered a binding contract for two sides. There is a fundamental distinction between the acquisition contract and the merger contract and essential differences despite the similarities between them. We do not criticize the privacy of the acquisition contract with its unique characteristics and objectives that distinguish this process or that contract from other contracts.
