The provisions of the penal order in the UAE legislation (analytical study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - University of Sharjah


This research deals with the subject of the penal order system in UAE law, and the research dealt with an in-depth study of the idea of this system, through a statement of its definition and legal nature, scope and conditions, and discussion of the provisions of the penal order and the extent to which it contributes to the achievement of the purposes of punishment and general rules of criminal law, and at the end of the research we reached an important conclusion that, the goal of the UAE legislator to regulate the penal order in the Federal Penal Code, is to reduce the criminal procedures in some types of crimes that are considered minor crimes which Adjudication requires a shorter period of time than criminal proceedings for other crimes, in which special procedures for pleading and investigation are required, with the aim of simplifying criminal procedures and reducing the burden on criminal courts so that they can end criminal proceedings for misdemeanours and felonies.