International cooperation to combat international crimes in international criminal law and UAE legislation

Document Type : Original Article


University of Sharjah, College of Law


This research seeks to shed light on how to combat international crimes in international criminal law and UAE legislation, as defining the concept of “international crime” and identifying how to hold its perpetrators accountable and punish them is the main goal of international criminal law, international crime negatively affects coexistence between peoples, world peace is a dream generations throughout history, and it will remain a dream as long as international organizations and global and regional bodies have not fulfilled the purpose for which they were established, as the international community with all its members seeks to reach security and peace; It is the main goal that is sought to be achieved in order for peace and security to prevail throughout the world. Protecting the human race requires combating various acts, such as acts aimed at the extermination of a race, as well as acts that threaten humanity, such as torture, racial discrimination, medical and scientific experiments on individuals, slavery and servitude, and all the use of force methods that are relied upon to threaten protected individuals. International law, and other acts that threaten common interests in international legal combat, and other acts that threaten common interests in combating and eliminating them by all members of the international community through an “international judicial” mechanism represented by the International Criminal Court. “Because these actions affect the entity of this society and shake its pillars and pillars.
