The Criminal Confrontational of Cyberbullying in the Digital Age - Comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law – University of Sharjah


With the spread of phones and electronic devices many behaviors have spread in the digital space, sharing photos, videos and private information is now more flexible than ever, where we are in the era by one click of a button, we share our entire day with a large number of people around the world, but at the same time, these behaviors have become more worrying, as a person may be subjected to cyberbullying by unknown viewers behind the screen,with the expansion of the use of the Internet in all geographical regions on the world, It is necessary to confront this type of bullying and to develop acts that contain this matter, since this electronic phenomenon is one of the most prominent developments in the current era, This research explains the concept of cyberbullying as a negative phenomenon spread around the world, and distinguishing it from traditional bullying, as the bully is often hidden behind the screen, And the reasons that led to its spread, through two sections, the first explains the concept of cyberbullying In the second topic, it shows the position of the UAE legislator on cyberbullying compared to the US legislature, and a reference to international efforts to combat cyberbullying.
