The strategy of moving towards financial inclusion in light of economic liberalization policies

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


International interest in achieving financial inclusion increased in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2008 by creating a broad commitment to official (governmental) bodies to achieve financial inclusion and implement policies through which to facilitate access to financial services and products for all segments of society and enable them to use them in a healthy manner, in addition to providing diverse and innovative financial services at low costs through those in charge of these services, and given the importance of the topic, about 60 countries have taken steps to establish a national strategy for financial inclusion or Or the issuance of legislation regulating the establishment process, and this coincided with the accession of more than 122 global financial institutions to the Global Alliance for Financial Inclusion and the commitment of more than 47 countries of the developing world to the Maya Declaration to promote financial inclusion in their countries. 
