International law and its role in managing climate change

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al-Azhar University - Assiut


The phenomenon of global warming or climate change is among the main problems facing the world at the present time, and therefore it has become very important for international law to play a role in this field, and it can be said that among the international conventions in this field is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). UNFCCC) of 1992, which currently includes 197 countries, and Article 15 of this agreement obligated countries to take preventive measures to prevent environmental degradation, and that this agreement and other agreements would stabilize greenhouse emissions, as were the decisions of the Rio Conference of 1992, which called That the trade policy directed at environmental purposes not be a means of arbitrary discrimination between countries, or to restrict the freedom of global trade. The Kyoto Protocol issued in 1997 also urged member states to reduce greenhouse emissions, but it did not impose obligations on these countries to fulfill the reduction of those emissions, just as this protocol did not distinguish between developing and developed countries in bearing these obligations, which can be said with it The Kyoto Protocol has failed to establish a comprehensive and effective framework for climate change.
