Constitutional Right Scope of Climate Change Protection

Document Type : Original Article


Attorney at Courts of Appeal And a legal specialist at Kuwait Ports Authority


The environmental effects of climate change have become one of the most important and intertwined contemporary issues, because of its association with many parties and their connection to their activities. On the one hand, the supervisory and regulatory role of the state is noted in preserving the environmental protection of individuals or rather citizens, and on the other hand, the behavior of commercial companies seeking to achieve profit goals appears without concern for preserving the environment or controlling the level of gas emissions left over from the industrial activities of these companies, and on a third level the citizen is affected by the environmental damage resulting from the economic activity of the companies, and accordingly, the state  ,as the dominant one in the legislative organization, should intervene to control these roles and to regulate these behaviors in accordance with the requirements of justice and fairness, so that each of these parties enjoys legal protection commensurate with his activity and interests that are legally protected in the state.
