State responsibility for climate change

Document Type : Original Article


Justice of the peace in the Jordanian judiciary


Climate change law is defined as a set of legal rules related to addressing the phenomenon of climate change by overcoming, mitigating or modifying global warming. The phenomenon of climate change is due to the emission of gases called greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. From the environmental law, which is a set of rules that concern the protection of the environment, and therefore, the environment is a set of factors that are indispensable to life on Earth, and these basic factors constitute what is called the biosphere. Among the most important international sources of climate regulation are the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, the Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change in 1997, and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change in 2015. There are also objective rules for climate protection, which are to protect a stable climate and take care of the climate . And the protection of environmental assessment and human rights, and the Constitutional Court of Colombia ended up recognizing the constitutionality of the state's commitment to combating climate change.
