Compensation for victims of climate change Climate Compensation Fund as an Alternative to Tort Litigation Towards a more sustainable future

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Civil Law Faculty of Law - Cairo University Chair of the Legal Studies Department


The issue of global climate change is the principal environmental challenge facing the world today. It has become the most urgent and complex issue, giving rise to many unique challenges, particularly regarding the best way to deal with the victims of these changes. At the same time, litigation may not be an appropriate means of compensating them. This study is the starting point for designing an effective climate compensation fund. This proposal is not intended to be complete and comprehensive, but at least it sheds light on some of the principal keys and elements for this proposal. It should be emphasized that initiating or proposing the creation of a compensation fund as an alternative to tort claims is not an easy and simple matter. There is still a lot of effort and work to be done, whether at the international or national level. The subject of the study is nothing more than an invitation to researchers to complete the remaining elements of the proposal, so that we can successfully develop an alternative solution to tort claims for damages resulting from climate change.
