The economic repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Egyptian economy and confrontation mechanisms

Document Type : Original Article


Egyptian Institute of Alexandria Academy for Management and Accounting in Alexandria


Considering the world's changes, since the emergence of the Coronavirus and its spread among all countries, its economic and social repercussions have appeared in most of the world's economies, including Egypt. This study aims to shed light on the impact of the Corona epidemic on the Egyptian economy, by analyzing the reality of the nature of external economic variables and dealing with macroeconomic indicators. As well as exposure in detail to the various economic policies and measures taken by the Egyptian government in the face of the repercussions of the Corona epidemic. The study uses a specific methodology based on a descriptive and inductive analysis of the balance of payments indicators and includes (tourism, international trade, foreign direct investment, worker's remittances, Suez Canal revenues, and the balance of payments). This is to highlight the repercussions of the Corona epidemic on the performance of the Egyptian economy resulting from its economic relations with the outside world. As well as analyzing internal macroeconomic indicators such as (GDP growth rates, unemployment and the labor market, inflation rate, exchange rates, the general budget, and the size of public debt); This is to highlight the repercussions of the Corona epidemic on the performance of the Egyptian economy.
