The effectiveness of smart international sanctions in maintaining international peace and security

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


International sanctions are a tool to protect the international community and achieve international security and stability, and serve as a reaction against any illegal activity emanating from a particular country or group of countries. The Charter of the United Nations granted the Security Council wide discretion in deciding cases that constitute a threat or breach of international peace and security or any act of aggression. In light of international disputes, internal conflicts, and continuous violations of international peace and security, and with the increase in the number of cases of threats from the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and international terrorism, the light has been given to the system of traditional penalties provided for in Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, and giving it importance in order to deter these violations However, it was ineffective in achieving its desired goal because it infringed on human rights. Therefore, it was re-adapted and reformed by changing the method of imposing it by following a smart approach, by applying the punishment directly to those responsible for committing the violation, and distinguishing between the ruler and the ruled when implementing it, which is called "smart penalties".
