The impact of the obligation to inform in protecting the weak party in compliance contracts

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Jurisprudence, the judiciary and the Consumer Protection Law promulgated by Law No. 181 of 2018 have settled on obliging one of the contractors to inform the other contractor of all the data and information necessary for the contract to be concluded in light of the availability of certain controls and conditions, and Article (4) of the Consumer Protection Law stipulated that the supplier is obligated to inform the consumer of all essential data about the products, especially the source, basic qualities and characteristics of the product, and any other data determined by the executive regulations of this law according to its nature. As a result of the complexity of the manifestations of economic life and transactions and the emergence of the great disparity between the two parties to the contractual relationship, it has been developed by the idea of commitment to inform in the contractual relationship as a means of protecting the weak party in the contractual relationship in front of the dominance and strength of the position of the other party strong in the contractual relationship, especially after a technological leap in many areas and commercial transactions and contractual relations have become more complex, so it was necessary to oblige one of the parties to the contract in the contractual relationship, which enjoys economic and technical influence from the media. And enlighten the other party who lacks economic and technical strength to be aware and aware of what is presented to him in this contractual relationship so that his will is free and enlightened and his consent is sound when it is impossible to achieve parity in the contractual relationship. 
