Characteristics and patterns of the information criminal in electronic fraud crimes

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The world today has become in front of a real revolution, which is the information revolution, and the digital world, and people have sometimes become chosen and at other times forced to deal with this new world or the information society as some like to call it, and soon people a little while they wake up from the shock of the unbridled information revolution until they were overwhelmed by a new revolution created by that marriage or the unique union between this device and modern communication systems, to reach at the end of the last century and the beginning of this century to the so-called communication via the Internet universality,Which broke borders between countries and shortened the distances between individuals and groups, and shortened time through an invisible or tangible network, called the World Wide Web, or ((World Wide Web)) or ((cyberspace)) which began to be used for military matters first in the United States of America since 1969, and the Arab world began to recognize it in the late eighties and began to spread gradually.
