The extent of the independence of the Central Bank when practicing its activities (a comparative study)

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


     Since their inception, central banks have witnessed continuous and accelerated developments due to economic, financial and technological developments, after their role was limited to issuing money, and sometimes issuing money, and providing loans to the government, they now carry out many activities, including issuing money, the government bank, managing foreign currency reserves, as well as exercising the supervisory role over the banks subject to it. Whereas the success of central banks in achieving their objectives; The existence of a set of conditions requires subjective conditions related to the quality of human resources, and objective conditions, the most important of which is the degree of independence of the Central Bank. Recent years have witnessed the success of some countries in granting their central banks more independence by reviewing and amending their laws, as the role of the government in determining monetary policy has decreased, which has positively reflected on the increase in the role of the central bank in this area.
