Scope of Criminal Protection of Genetic Information - A Comparative Analytical Study

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


In this research, I dealt with the personal scope and the temporal scope of protecting genetic information, as well as the scientific scope and its criminal scope, as this is useful in providing criminal protection for genetic privacy by knowing the scope of genetic information. And I reached a number of results, the most important of which are: Arab legislation did not concern genetic privacy, but there are legislations concerned with genetic fingerprinting that took into account genetic privacy in their texts as well as the protection of personal data that included genetic data. Cloning, or changing birth through genetic therapy, and the crime of creating embryos, and I reached a number of recommendations, including that the Emirati legislator draw limits for the uses of samples and genetic information, similar to the French, English and Qatari legislators, as well as limits must be drawn for the scientific scope of genetic information based on controls and rules that should be taken into account, especially that Competition continues between scientists and research centers to provide scientific studies and research that contribute to scientific and medical development. With the need to stipulate the criminalization of access to data that is registered in a database of genetic information by non-specialists.
