Criminal justice crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Crime since ancient times is a harmful phenomenon, affecting all societies, ancient and modern, so that no society is free of crime as a disease that affects the individual, and then its infection is transmitted to other individuals, it is a phenomenon linked in its existence to the emergence of human societies, crime must occur as long as human beings are on earth, so is the human soul and this is the nature of social behavior,  And if all human beings lived in utopia  imagined by the Greek philosophers is inevitably a reality. Despite the civilizational progress reached by mankind, the criminal phenomenon remains as long as man remains, and will remain unable to eliminate it completely, but we can reduce this phenomenon and reduce it to the greatest extent possible, by following a wise criminal policy, which seeks to study the best means and methods. Plato wants people to live in utopia in a middle ground between wealth, poverty, luxury and need, and he also wants all members of his city to be healthy and not suffering from diseases or deformities."
