Legal regulation of judicial oversight of elections in the Egyptian and Kuwaiti legislation

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The control over the work of the administration is one of the most important guarantees that prevent the administration from deviating power, in what is known as control over legitimacy, which reflects positively on the rights and freedoms of individuals, but the forms of censorship are diverse, there is self-censorship, which is exercised by the administration through the review of its decisions, and there is legislative oversight exercised by Parliament, and the third image of censorship is judicial control.  Judicial oversight is one of the most important guarantees to respect the principle of legality and preserve rights and freedoms, as it is exercised by judicial bodies known for their integrity, and impartiality away from being affected by any personal or political considerations. In view of its importance, special provisions have been allocated to it in most constitutions of States to ensure respect for the principle of legality and the rule of law. 
