Giving destimony and its role in achieving criminal justice

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


This study deals with the performance of testimony and the extent of the obligation to give it and its role in achieving criminal justice, Individuals  testify before the competent authorities, as this represents their contribution to the achievement of criminal justice, Through their participation with the competent authorities in revealing the truth, but sometimes the witness may fail to play this role, so we find that the Palestinian criminal legislator and in most criminal legislation has required individuals to testify, and even arranged a criminal penalty for the failure or abstention of the witness to testify, Since the witness may be exposed to some risks when performing this procedure; Therefore, the legislator must, in order for the witness to testify without fear or hesitation, provide him with the necessary and sufficient means to protect him from these risks that he may be exposed to because of this role.
