Contributing and inciting electronic terrorism through electronic means of communication in Sharia and law

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Terrorism is a crime known for its danger and great impact on society and people's lives, and its effects have appeared throughout history, where it claimed the lives of millions of innocent people, destroyed societies, and ignited wars, this crime knows no borders, and there is no mercy in the hearts of its perpetrators, and in this research we are looking for a new image of terrorism, which is the image of electronic terrorism, contribution and incitement to it, With the emergence of Internet networks and the development of technology in various fields in the world, the perpetrators of various crimes are taking modern technology as new means to commit their crimes, so many crimes committed through the Internet or electronic means have appeared, the so-called electronic terrorism has appeared, and this type of crime is basically a terrorist crime in the traditional sense, but it is done through technological means, where the perpetrator of this crime uses the Internet.
