Press Regulatory and Press Freedom Bodies

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Democracy was and still is the goal of humanity since the dawn of history until the present time, and freedom was the one that illuminated the path of humanity in its long and continuous struggle to achieve more welfare and progress, there is no room for creativity without freedom, and no value for progress without achieving more freedom, parliamentary democracy assumes the existence of peaceful and multiple means through which the citizen can contribute to political life in order to achieve happiness and well-being for him and the rest of his countrymen, The most important of these means is the right to vote and to express an opinion in the referendum. Here, the role of newspapers in general in helping individuals to govern themselves correctly in line with their public interest, which needs help from those with the ability to discover and find it, through its role in forming an informed public opinion, the citizen can choose between candidates. Between electoral platforms and alternatives to political solutions, freedom of the press helps to establish a democratic system of government, and therefore occupies a prominent place at the heart of any democratic system.
