The position of criminal laws on the introduction of repentance after the commencement of the execution of the crime and before its completion -A comparative study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


A crime does not usually occur all at once, but goes through several stages before it is completed. Between the emergence of the idea of the crime, and between the completion of a time interval that may be long or shorter, the actor first: begins to think about the crime and then designs it, and this stage is called the stage of thinking and design, if the actor thinks about the crime, and is determined to start preparing for it, such as preparing the necessary weapon, for example, and this stage is called the stage of preparation, If he finishes the preparation, he moved to the execution of the crime, such as shooting his opponent and Verdeh dead, and this stage is called the implementation stage, and if the actor achieves the result, we are in front of the so-called complete crime, and if he does not achieve the result, we are here in front of a situation legally called attempt or attempt. 
