The role of safe zones in reducing the negative effects of armed conflicts "a comparative study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Humanity has suffered from the scourge of international and non-international armed conflicts since ancient times, and this suffering has increased to its peak in light of the technological progress made by some States in this field. If the bitter experience suffered by humankind during the First and Second World Wars was the resolution on the principle of the prohibition of the use of force in international relations, which owes its existence to Article 2/4 of the Charter of the United Nations, did not serve to limit the use of force and the fact that civilians were victims of that human conflict.  Non-international armed conflicts are described as a wide variety of forms of armed rebellion against Governments, including demonstrations and acts of armed insurrection, as well as unrest and internal problems, as well as riots and civil wars, under which the requirements of national unity and social peace within the State are divided. The outbreak of armed conflicts comes with visible or hidden subjective factors fueled by ethnic, religious, economic or political differences, and the toll is thousands of civilians killed, others are missing, dozens of women are raped, displaced people on the borders, and civilian and cultural objects affected by the effects of wars.
