Criminalization of contempt of religion

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


This research dealt with the subject of contempt of religions in terms of clarifying and clarifying the forms of this type of criminalization and distinguishing between the crime of contempt of religion and what is mixed with other forms of religious discussions that may end or mixed with contempt of religions, as in the case of declaring infidelity and discussions related to denying the existence of God. The spread of the Internet, especially social media, has contributed to freedom of expression, which may amount to contempt of religions and may prevent it from happening. It was therefore also important to draw the boundaries between the freedom of expression, guaranteed by the Constitution, and the crime of contempt of religion, which was punishable under the Penal Code. In view of the fact that many Islamic and Arab States share the same concept with Egyptian law, i.e. in criminalizing contempt of religions, it was necessary to discuss their position on this criminalization through the possible published judicial rulings on the subject.
