Appealing to the rules of strict liability as a unified regulation of liability in the field of medicine "a comparative study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


We begin with the praise of God manifested his ability and greatness, on the bestowed grace and abundance of charity, and the sanctification of his majesty to be perceived by sight or surrounded by ideas, and prayers and peace be upon the master of mankind and the jinn Muhammad, who guided God by all the confused, and revived the landmarks of Islam and rituals, and on his family and companions with the merit of the walker, prayers and peace permanent inseparable prepared on the Day of Resurrection of the greatest ammunition. Yet, despite the importance of the drug, the risks surrounding it are significant. The more advanced the technology of the pharmaceutical product industry and the accuracy and complexity that this progress carries, the greater the degree of risk to them and their money. Especially if we know that the nature of the drug substance and the chemical components it carries, which are toxic in some cases or that would turn into harmful substances if other compounds intervene with them, made medicine a double-edged sword that would achieve benefits and harms at the same time. Those harms caused to the consumer or seller of the drug if the fault or negligence is attributed to one of them.
