The electronic arbitration award and its effects under the legal system of arbitration in the United Arab Emirates "an original study"

Document Type : Original Article


University of sharjah -Department of Private Law


The study aimed to identify the electronic arbitration award and its effects under the legislation In the UAE, through a statement of the procedures for pleading and deliberation in the electronic arbitration award, and a statement of the form of the electronic arbitration award in addition to standing on the methods and reasons for challenging the electronic arbitration award, and the study relied on the analytical inductive approach to achieve its objectives, and that through the division of the study To two topics, where the first topic dealt with the electronic arbitration ruling, and the second topic dealt with the effects of the electronic arbitration award and its appeal, and the study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: Electronic arbitration is an electronic judicial system that specializes in resolving disputes that arise in the electronic environment between dealers in E-commerce according to an agreement between the parties to the dispute. The electronic arbitration award differs from the traditional arbitration award, because the arbitration is of a special nature in that the dispute in which the electronic arbitration is settled relates to commercial disputes, electronic contracts and other contracts.
