Procedures for the Egyptian and Libyan Courts of Cassation to address the criminal case

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law, Mansoura University


Therefore, there are many degrees of litigation in the interest of the legislator on what occurs in the assessment of the facts, and the imposition of the rule of law on them, as well as the multiplicity of procedural means to reconsider the subject of the dispute, both substantively and procedurally, to reconsider the subject of the dispute, both substantively and legally, in accordance with the system of appeal against judicial rulings,Opposition and appeal with regard to the merits and appeal in cassation with regard to violation of the law and error in its application or interpretation, as well as with regard to the invalidity that may taint the judgment itself, or because of the extension of the invalidity to it from the procedures. Hence the need for a higher court than all courts, to supervise the application of the law and correct errors in order to prevent a conflict between them, in order to ensure uniform understanding in the interpretation of texts, considering that the capabilities of judges vary in assessing facts and understanding texts.All legislations unanimously named this court the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Court, the Court of Cassation or the Cassation to indicate the task entrusted to it, which is to review judgments from a legal point of view.
