Integrity of the electoral process for the Federal National Council in the United Arab Emirates

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law - University of Sharjah


we aim to focus on studying the conditions, controls, guarantees and principles that govern its functioning and extrapolate and analyze the legal texts and jurisprudential opinions in the UAE, And proposing some solutions to executive instructions organizing the National Council elections that oblige national media institutions to be impartial and to impose appropriate fines In the event that it violates the principles of equality and departs from impartiality, And granting the voter the right to register his name in the event that the administrative body neglects to record his name, and we suggest that constitution stipulates that it is considered a body or institution (not a committee) that is financially, administratively and technically independent and enjoys legal personality. Hence, the constitution grants the legislative authority the power to enact a law to organize the authority in terms of its formation, competencies and guarantees, so that its accordance with aforementioned observations.
