Define the concept of commercials

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The Definitions Committee of the American Marketing Association has defined advertising as the impersonal effort paid for to display and promote ideas or services by a particular person, as well as as the various aspects of activity that lead to the publication or broadcasting of visual, audio, or written advertising messages to the good acceptance of advertised ideas, persons, or facilities." The Grand French Encyclopedia defines advertising as: "the sum of the means used to inform the public of a commercial or industrial enterprise with the excellence of its products, and to signal to it in some way its need". Samir Hussein defines advertising as all paid non-personal communication and media efforts carried out by businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals. Which are published, displayed or broadcast using all advertising means, and appear through the personality of the advertiser, with the aim of introducing an audience to certain information and urging it to perform a certain behavior.
