The doctor's civil responsibility in the field of surrogacy

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The aim of this research is to identify the civil responsibility of the doctor in the surrogacy contract, considering that the doctor is a party that must be present in this contract, which is the product of medical development, and that the surrogacy contract did not reach the desired goal - which is to obtain the child - except with the intervention of the doctor, and with the intervention of the doctor, this intervention may result in many medical errors during diagnosis or during the fertilization of the egg and its seedlings in the womb of a foreign woman for the couple.  As much as possible - the statement of this responsibility despite the lack of regulation in most legislation, especially Arab, and therefore divided this research into two sections; the first dealt with the definition of medical responsibility and its pillars in general, and the second dealt with the statement of the nature of this responsibility and its impact, and we ended with a conclusion that included the most important results and recommendations.
