Fraud through misleading commercials in UAE and comparative law

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The topics regulated by criminal law are the most important topics of positive law, as their texts and articles are exposed to that human behavior that deviates from the perpetrator from the origins of collective life and the imposition of the preservation of society and its various systems, especially economic policy, so that it affects a pattern of human behavior that is an aggression against the legal interests that are the subject of criminal protection, which are the interests that depend on the protection of the survival and stability of society, The provision of criminal protection on these interests not only provides stability and justice in society, but also determines the vital area of activity and legitimate behavior of individuals in social and economic life. The crimes of assault on money are crimes that affect the assault and threat of danger to the rights of financial value and crimes of assault on funds are closely related to the general legal regulation of transactions and funds and if the law allows individuals freedom of dealing required that they recognize the right to own the fruit of their activity, related to this is the obligation to ensure the legal protection of this fruit.
