Foundations of local administration responsibility for its work

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Much has been said recently, about the reorganization of local government, the preparation of local administrative work, and the restructuring of local government ministries in line with the new local government structure, to meet the legitimate aspirations of local and service development and infrastructure development. The local administration has the task of realizing the principle of legality, which establishes the principle of equality of all persons before the law, whether superior or subordinate.  This principle is one of the best gains of a healthy democracy, which can only be achieved at this time through sacrifices on the part of the people. It is the legal state that implements the proper meaning of democracy, and therefore there is no distinction between persons – whatever their status – within the state, in the application of the provisions of the law. The question of the responsibility of local government for its administrative acts is indivisible and related to the principle of legality, The principle of legality means submission to the law and its superiority over everything, meaning that all actions of the public administration are sound and legally binding only to the extent that they respect and are consistent with the legal texts and provisions in force within society.
