International protection of children in armed conflict

Document Type : Original Article


University of Sharjah


Despite the development and advancement witnessed by the march of humanity during the past few centuries, especially after the Second World War in the middle of the twentieth century, this did not prevent the occurrence of wars and armed conflicts in various countries of the world, whether in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Central and Latin America. What has made these conflicts and wars more ugly,  The resulting many tragedies are the great development in the quality of weapons and the increase in their destructive capabilities, which in most cases do not distinguish between military and civilian, between man and woman, or between large and small. Despite the great diversity and diversity of victims of wars, conflicts and armed conflicts, children remain the most affected and exposed group to the effects of these conflicts, whose effects are transmitted through them to the whole society, resulting in the emergence of new societies that grew up largely on violence, murder and crime as their basic culture during their childhood.
