Separation of powers

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


The judiciary is one of the most important facilities of the state keenness to provide services to all its citizens without discrimination or preference, it undertakes to receive lawsuits, direct, conduct and then correct, and then prove the verdict, which is a trust in the necks of judges who resort to people for justice and fairness, so it was natural that this device is characterized by the elements and guarantees to achieve the principle of independence. When contemplating the constitutional and legal systems of democratic countries, we find them unanimously on the principle of the independence of the judiciary until it has become a constitutional principle associated with the protection of human rights, which is a natural effect of the existence of the judiciary as an authority that stands on an equal footing with the legislative and executive authorities, so the independence of the judiciary is the first principle of the general principles controlling the work of the judiciary and one of the components of the legal state,The actual existence of the rest of the legal constituents of the State thus depends. Where the principle of the independence of the judiciary leads to its immunity, by preventing the executive from intrusion and interference in its affairs and work, especially since without the establishment of an independent judiciary free from all influence, individual rights and freedoms are exposed to great danger and become practically under the desire of the whims of the rulers.
