Criminal confrontation with digital drugs in UAE legislation

Document Type : Original Article


College of Law – University of Sharjah


Digital drugs are one of the forms of drugs that societies have known despite their modernity, although they have a different nature and their own world, but their impact is not much different from the effects of traditional drugs, as both are subject to inevitable criminalization, and the legislator has regulated crimes and penalties in the light of the recognition of the principle of "no crime and no punishment except by text", and in view of the dire effects that digital drugs have had on some societies; Some legislators have succeeded in realizing, confronting and combating this phenomenon by all possible means, although its prevention is something that may be realized by difficulties, but proving its circulation and promotion is more difficult, and this is the fundamental obstacle that is a fundamental problem, in the light of which the eyes of legislators of some legal systems have grown in talking about this criminal phenomenon despite its effects at the level of individuals and groups, and in this regard, this phenomenon must be addressed legislatively and administratively. This is done in a way that achieves the security and stability of society.
