The responsibility of the state or its representative in Islamic jurisprudence and positive law "a comparative study between Islamic law and positive law"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Research Introduction Praise be to Allah who created and mastered, and the king of destiny, and the belly of the news, and does not single from his knowledge an atom in the heavens or in the earth, nor smaller than that nor greater except in a book shown, praise be to Allah who taught man after ignorance, and guided him after misguidance, and jurisprudence after heedlessness, and praise God Almighty praise as he loves and pleases and thank him thanks as it should be for the majesty of his face and great ability and dear authority is Almighty and the guardian of all grace With his success, good deeds are done, and I seek the help of those who have no power except through him.  Research Plan This thesis consists of two sections, and each subject consists of two requirements,  They are as follows: The first topic: what is meant by the state, and the statement of its pillars, and its personality in Islamic jurisprudence and law and we will allocate to this section two requirements: The first requirement: what is meant by the state, and the statement of its pillars and personality in Islamic law. The second requirement: what is meant by the state, and a statement of its pillars and personality in the law. "The second topic:  What is meant by the guardian and the extent to which he must be obeyed and the conditions that must be met by the guardian, and what are his functions and we will allocate to this section two requirements: The first requirement: what is meant by the guardian. 
