The role of immunity in protecting the member of parliament and the requirements of his job "a comparative study between Egypt and Kuwait"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Law - Mansoura University


Members of parliaments benefit from a special legal system that ensures that he performs his duties to the fullest, and this system does not always represent favoritism or special treatment for a member of parliament that surpasses other citizens, but on the contrary, it may require or impose a number of duties and obligations from which the ordinary citizen is dissolved, and the privileges of membership in parliament are limited to parliamentary immunity on the one hand, Our research is limited to the first privilege, which is parliamentary immunity, so a member of parliament benefits from immunity in the face of a range of rules, steps and procedures that would pressure and narrow his position in the parliament, and the fact that the legislator targeted from its report the public interest, the existence of an independent parliament is the basis of the rule of law, through which he can hold the government accountable and evaluate its role in all large and small.
